Florida Federation of Fairs and Livestock Shows, Inc.

Volunteer of the Year Award Nomination Form


In honor of the service rendered to the Fair Industry, an annual award is given to a volunteering individual for distinguished achievement in or contribution to the Fair Industry under conditions herein described. The presentation of the award will be made at the Annual Convention of the Florida Federation of Fairs and Livestock Shows. The award shall consist of a plaque with an appropriate citation and the recipient's name inscribed thereon.


  • The candidate may be living or deceased. A deceased candidate is eligible for five (5) years following his/her death.
  • Nominations may be submitted by any member Fair, however, the nomination must be supported and endorsed by a current officer of the Fair that they are being nominated to represent. The nominee must have volunteered/worked with the nominating Fair.
  • He/she shall have been identified with the Fair Industry for a minimum of ten (10) years.
  • He/she shall have contributed to the Fair Industry, in addition to his/her own Fair, something of value in the field of leadership and education that has proven of value and will continue to prove of value to the Fairs in the future.
  • He/she shall have been fairly consistent in attending the meetings of the Florida Federation of Fairs and Livestock Shows.
  • He/she shall have developed and built up his/her own Fair and worked diligently.
  • He/she shall have contributed to other organizations in the community.
  • A Federation of Fairs President shall not be considered for the award until two years after his/her term as President expires, and only if they were not a paid employee of a Fair. Must have been a volunteer only

  • All submittals must be made online through this Florida Federation of Fairs website.
  • Nominations will be held over for an additional two-year period with the understanding from the current officer that signs the nomination that it will be held over automatically as long as the candidate is still qualified and as long as the committee does not identify any potential disqualifications.

The selection of a candidate shall be as follows:

  • The Rules and Criteria are available to all on the Florida Federation of Fairs website.
  • The nomination must be accompanied by a memorandum (uploaded) giving a full and complete statement of the reason for nominating the candidate, including a detailed record of his/her professional and industrial achievements sufficient to indicate the candidate's worthiness of this award.
  • Nominations and all support documents are to be submitted through the website and are due no later than December 15th.
  • Prior to January 15th, all nominations and support documents will be provided to the Volunteer of The Year Committee for review and consideration.
  • On or before January 15th, the Volunteer of The Year Committee shall review all nominations received, to include any past nominees that are within the two year ‘hold-over’ period, and determine the eligibility of the applicants.
  • If it is determined by the Volunteer of The Year Committee that there is not a qualified candidate for the current award cycle the committee shall notify the President of such. The Committee shall request additional information on the nominees. If it is still determined that there is not a qualified candidate, the Award may suspend the award for the current year. The Chairman of the Volunteer of The Year Committee will submit the name of the chosen recipient to the Florida Federation of Fairs Executive Secretary/Director for purchasing a plaque no later than January 15th.
  • The Volunteer of The Year Committee shall have final word, and all questions coming before the Volunteer of The Year Committee shall be decided by a majority vote of the Volunteer of The Year Committee members.
  • All records of the committee will be held with the Executive Secretary/Director who will act as custodian of same.
  • The Volunteer of The Year Committee shall have the power to decide any questions not specifically covered by these rules.
  • Should a person be nominated for both the Volunteer of the Year Award and the Hall of Fame Award the same year, the Executive Director shall evaluate the two nominations to see where the nominee meets the most criteria, and then remove the nominee from the other category.

Nominee Information

I agree to the terms and conditions


Supportive documentation: List and include with this form any information such as positions and dates held, citations, articles, awards, etc. that would support the worthiness of the award winner.
Upload Resume of Nominee


List two Florida federation of Fair references not connected with the Nominee's Fair:
List two local community references:

Submitted By:

Nomination must be supported and endorsed by a current Officer of the Fair that the nominee is being nominated to represent.
By typing your name on this form you approve this nomination to be held over automatically for two additional years as long as the candidate is still qualified and as long as the committee does not identify any potential disqualifications.
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