Florida Federation of Fairs and Livestock Shows, Inc.

Florida Young Professionals Scholarship Application

For Florida Young Professionals (ages 18-40)
Deadline – April 1st

The Florida Federation of Fairs will be offering a limited number of scholarships to Florida Young Professionals (ages 18-40) to help defray the costs of attending the Annual Convention in May.

These scholarships are for young people ages 18 – 40 that are involved in their local Fair and have not attended the Convention within the past two years.

The Scholarship will cover: - Full registration for the Convention - A hotel room at the Convention hotel for 3 nights (Thurs - Sat nights)

PLEASE NOTE: If you are chosen as a Scholarship Winner, you will be asked to assist with certain tasks involved with the Convention for one day of the event – such as office duties. Recipient will also be expected to attend the Banquet on Saturday night for the presentation of the awards.
**** PLEASE NOTE: You can still attend the convention even if you do not receive this sscholarship.
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